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Galacian Republic
Indirect Democracy / Military Junta
Tek Level 6
Capital: Antares City, Elkoss
Direct control over 250 systems, claims on another 50. Plus multiple protecterates, client states and puppet states in and around the Gold Sector
Planetary Levitican Empire
Maripol Pact
M-Throne Empire
45th Union
Notable People
President James Lahey
The Triumvirate
Full List

GR Military, end of 2016

The Galacian Republic or GR in simpler terms, is a large TL6 Empire that controls the majority of the Gold Sector. It emerged as the dominant power after years of infighting and internal strife in the region following the collapse of the Elkossian Empire, which was destroyed at the conclusion of a short but incredibly destructive war with Peach Invaders in G.R 2011


Originating from a merging of anti-communists refugees who fled the Western Kievan region of the Pan-Slavia sector and the local population who were still stuck in the feudal ages on the planet Elkoss *Known as Brikrigton at the time*, The Galacian republic is a state that has existed in a sector between the areas Galaxia Nehellenium known as the Western Arms and the Shire. It sprung from the ruins of the Elkossian Empire in G.R 2014 after several other failed states had laid claim to heir of the Empire. The Elkossian Empire had enjoyed relative peace and progress until G.R 2011 when it was invaded and embroiled in a years long war against a gargantuan Peach invasion consisting of many factions that banded together. The resulting war balkanized the Empire and forced it to retreat and consolidate to it's core systems. Government remnants would rise and fall for 2 or 3 years after the war. It wasn't until G.R 2014 that a stable power,controlling the capital and having regained control of key systems in the sector, declared the beginning of a "reformation" and the state would now be known as the "Galacian Republic" taking their name from a region of in the Kievan region of the purple sector, their ancestral homeland. After which, several other successor states and separatist groups alike would compete for control, independence or sovereignty in the sector and argue over whom is the legitimate government, like they had been for the past 5 years, although this time things would be different

While this new Government offered the empire a true chance to legitimately rebuild, Former colonies in other systems in the region did not necessarily want to follow Galacian law, as they had sought or recieved assistance elsewhere, or rebuilt on their own. There would be no fewer than four other groups that refused to be re-integrated into Galacian law. By 2016 what was essentially a second Civil War started which has escalated in scale and ferocity only to be outdone by "The Great War" itself. The GR Eliminated several opposing groups, but treaties, backroom dealings and procrastination allowed some powers to survive and secede. By G.R 2017 The Greater Galacian Empire had been legitimized as a superpower In the Nehellenium, at the cost of 10 to 15% of it's population breaking off into seperatist or rebel states.

Culture and Society

Galacia takes it's name from a subsection of the present day USSSR, The name was passed down after a small group of refugees fled the communists in the Purple Sector, and landed on Elkoss, merging with the local population. In early G.R 2016 the Elkossian Federal Republic changed it's name to the Galacian Republic in homage to their roots.

Galacian society can be both arrogant and humble, a large percentage of the population identify as simple citizens and colonists who want nothing more than food on the table, a house that doesn't look like shit, something to do for fun, and to witness or participate in some violence once in a while. Most Galacians live in towns and cities, in small private homes or apartment buildings. A smaller percentage of the population live outside of cities, in the countryside or outskirts of their colonies, however this is seen as a risk as security forces are notorious for abuse and outright killings of Minifigs outside the cities, given their paranoia of rebel activity.

Galacian culture is very intolerant of Peaches. While slavery is banned throughout the empire, this hasn't stopped them from refusing to grant citizenship to the peach population depriving them of the right to vote as well as many other basic liberties enjoyed by non peaches, and Corrections facilities are often full of peaches. This hatred and flat out racism comes from an itense grudge most Galacian minifigs hold as a result of the Great War.

The national pastime of Galacia is "Team Ice Fighting", which appears to be little different than Ice Hockey, but weapons are often used in fights, like sticks, benches, and whatever the spectators throw on the ice. Fans are known to jump onto the ice and join a fight or start one in the bleachers too.

The national animal is the husky breed of dog. The national "colors" are Orange and Sometimes Red. although the military primarily uses white and black. Alcoholism is widespread in the empire, getting shitfaced is considered a right of passage, and one that is repeated every other week.


The Galacian Republic is officially an Indirect Democracy, where each populated colony elects a number of representatives to decide on laws and issues on their behalf. And groups of systems form subsectors which maintain more powerful Provincial governments. In reality due to Martial Law, the Republic is essentially a Military Junta with many civil laws being suspended throughout most of the empire. The military however has allowed several prominent politicians as well as the overall head of state to continue to hold power during martial law and has upheld some of the most important civil laws where feasable, a decision that has proven to calm many citizens worried about the brutality and lack of transparency or oversight from the Military council.


  • At home in the Gold Sector, The Galacian Republic is at war or some amount of contention with a number of rebel states and wholly independent organizations all competing for dominion over the sector

Galacian foreign policy constantly bounces between hatred and paranoia of peaches and then communists. However by the end of 2016 the Republic had rapidly expanded both its borders and it's fighting capability. Under the new Lahey administration the GR became less concerned with foreign interference a's direct confrontation with actual empires like the 45th Union became more and more plausible.

Alliances and Coalitions

  • Immortal War The GR has no stance on the conflict and has no interest of ever becoming involved.
  • AN-TA War The GR Had no official stance during the war, and wished to remain neutral as it had sympathies with both sides during the conflict. It nearly sided with the Third Alliance as it's enemy, the Zaphor Confederacy, was seeking to join the USA on the AN side. The conflict ended before either side could join their respective alliances however.
  • Communo-Fascist InsurgencyThe Mozorovan Socialist Union was largely seen as a USSSR puppet republic until mid 2016 when it was beaten back to the brink, the Soviets abandoned their puppet and they were forced to ally with other rebel groups in the Gold sector. in late 2016 the GR officially entered the conflict on the side of the Intermarium Coalition, despite not actually signing as a member. The Republic pledged to assume responsibility for the entirety of the Southern front along the Kiyevan SSR and Kharkiv SSR. as a result the GR has a conditional alliance with the Poles.

Individual Foreign Relations The GR's political viewpoints on specific foreign powers

  • USSSR - Seen as a sworn enemy, the USSSR is accused of financing and supporting anti-government terrorist factions within Galacian territory, namely the Mozorovan Socialist Union. A common antagonist in Galacian history
  • 45th Union - Another frequent enemy throughout the GR's time. While they have never gone to war with one another, the Union is also accused of supporting insurgent factions within Galacia's empire. As well as being blamed for the original peach invasion in G.R 2011 due to their radical and aggressive peach supremacy rhetoric. The GR requested that the AN enforce a stretch of space between their territory and the 45th Union as a demilitarized zone to prevent confrontation or escalation, although this DMZ has been violated by both sides numerous times
  • M-Throne Empire - The GR sees the M-Throne empire as a threat to the galaxy, and disapproves of empires negotiating or aligning with the M-Throne, believing that if they are "so powerful" they shouldn't need allies. The GR Fears that if too many empires from their galaxy choose to side with the M-Throne in their operations in the Nehellenium, that the entire galaxy risks losing it's sovereignty
  • United Systems Alliance - Until G.R 2016 the GR held several economic ties to the USA, but overall distrusted them as much of the funding and support that went into the Confederate Rebel faction in the Gold Sector was believed to originate from the USA. After President Trump took office, this support seemed to have stalled and was no longer coming directley from the government, and it became less of a concern, however the threat of straight up conflict with the USA was now on the table as the new president was seen as volitile and unpredictable... The Galacian 2016 election selected James Lahey, also seen as volitile and unpredictable, no doubt this action was influenced by the shock of the USA elections.
  • Emeria - In the days leading up to the formation of the GR, the Elkossian Government remnant factions had accepted an invitation to the EPEEN alliance. While this membership was short lived, Emeria was the first foreign empire to interact with the Elkoss government since the big reset of G.R 2011. Galacia flip flopped on its status in the EPEEN alliance until leaving it for good in G.R 2016 to peruse it's own agenda
  • Polish Republic - The URP and GR have been communicating at a steady rate since G.R 2015, The USSSR has repeatedly tried to strain relations between the two as is evident by communist insurgent attacks on Polish-Galacian diplomatic meetings at least twice. While the two have never signed an official alliance, they share a common enemy in the Soviets, in G.R 2016 the GR moved several fleets and tens of thousands of troops into the Purple Sector, effectively getting into a shooting war directley with the Soviets and not just their puppet states. While the GR is pushing it's own agenda in the Purple sector, it considers the Polish to be it's ally in the conflict and vice versa. Polish cooperation with the M-Throne ultimately ended the relationship between the GR and URP
  • Trattoria - While far apart from one another, the GR and Trattorian relations can be described as "Warm", no military cooperation exists between the two, but the GR regularly speaks with the Trattorians at the AN
  • Imperial Magikstrate - Something of a rarity, Despite being a peach empire, GR and IM relations are fairly good, Since G.R 2016 the GR pivoted away from outright peach racism and generally only makes an issue out of violent, aggressive or supremacist peach empires. The GR does not consider the IM to be any of these. However IM cooperation with the M-Throne ended this relationship.
  • The VOL, MAOX, Dutch and MASS - Whilst being Galacia's immediate neighbors, it shares remarkably little interaction with any of them. Despite being surrounded by Immortal and Third Alliance allied empires, the GR generally does not have confrontations with it's neighbors because it is firmly in both conflicts However much like it's opinion of the M-Throne Empire, it dislikes the idea of Local galaxy empires aligning with what it considers an "invader" in the Immortal alliance, and despite historical sympathies to the TA, the GR believes that the Third Alliance has become full of "Edge Lords" and won't associate with the type. Frankly, the GR holds sympathies with both sides of both conflicts and can't make a decision, so it remains neutral on both.
  • Planetary Levtican Empire - In late G.R 2016, Galacia began experimenting with starting it's own sphere of influence. The PLE was invited to be a protectorate of the GR, While much smaller than the GR, the PLE is a sovereign nation under the protection of the Republic. Which is more than could be said about some of the others in the GR's sphere of influence. In the end of G.R 2016, The PLE accepted the GR's invitation to be a client state. Officially a protectorate.
  • Ulvarrat and Kamchatka - Unlike the PLE, The single system Client states of Ulvaratt and Kamchatka are by every extension of the word, puppet states of the GR. These two emerging nations were swallowed up in their infancy by the Galacian Empire. While they have not been annexed or integrated into the Galacian's Empire. They are hardly considered independent, part of the Galacian political strategy has been to swallow up several smaller powers into it's sphere of influence, coerce or bully them into accepting some sort of treaty, whether it be a protectorate like the PLE, or a Client state like these two, and then use them all as a claim to legitimacy as the leader of it's own Federation or Alliance. Ulvarattan and Kamchatkan minifigs are often forced to fight alongside Galacians in the Gold Sector and abroad as auxiliary troops.

Organizations and Groups

Civil Protection - Civil Protection is the official federal force that polices the populace on Republic worlds in peacetime and in the cities. The Federal police have been downscaled as of G.R 2016 and

have often been replaced by the military in all but a few worlds.

An old Civil Protection station being used as an Army outpost and motor pool

Major Galacian Companies and Corporations

  • SUZU - An automotive manufacturer specializing in high performance motorcycles for domestic sale and export
  • Kybov Arms - A military small arms manufacturer
  • Sich Precision - Another small arms manufacturer
  • Urving Energy - An Energy and Resource extraction giant


Galacia has one of the largest standing militaries in the Galaxy. Ranking somewhere between 6th and 12th, by it's own estimates.

While individual branches vary, the overall membership rate in the military as a whole stands around 70% Volunteers. and 30% Conscripts, with Rumors of some of those conscripts being former military and civilian prisoners, brainwashed into fighting for their captors. Conscription is significantly more common in the Army, than the Navy.

Galacian Ground Forces The Galacian Ground Forces, or Army is primarily Infantry based. Fielding Regular squads of 10 or 14 troops. As well as a wide range of specialized or elite troops, including paratroopers, commandos, engineers, psionics, and multiple generations of heavy infantry. Galacian combat doctrine suggests that the most powerful and important aspect of war is it's most simple element, the mighty minifig. Galacian soldiers recieve good training by galactic standards, and are exceptionally well equipped. The most basic infantry squad is often equipped with multiple grenades, rockets, machine guns, medikal tools and an array of radio communications equipment for each individual squad.

While having a very large number of footsoldiers, the Ground Forces also field large numbers of transport vehicles, Armored carriers, Battle Tanks, Logistics vehicles, and an array of air support. As well as a very expansive support network of non-combat services. Trucks, APCs and IFVs are attached to infantry squads as they are needed. Battle Tanks are often fielded in tank columns or platoons based on the weight class of the vehicle, having both modern medium and heavy tanks in it's motor pool.

A large group of Galacian army regulars in the thick of urban combat
Airborne Troops disembark from a Berkut attack aircraft
Recon units in the forest.
Galacian Kodiak II medium tank in combat, a staple of the GR ground forces

Galacian Navy - The navy has not seen much action since the days of the peach war, and even so the fleet of that era consisted mainly of corvettes and frigates. The modern Galacian Navy consists mainly of heavy destroyers that handle the brunt of head on ship to ship combat, with Stealth Corvettes that strike out with space torpedoes and nuklear missiles. Larger ship classes like cruisers and battleships are in development as of GR2016. Unlike the ground forces, Galacian combat vessels are painted almost completely black, thinking this would make them harder to spot in the void. While a sizable portion of the Navy's fleet is considered to be capable "knife fighting" ships able to slug it out, much of the Navy's doctrine revolves around striking fast and hard in ambush attacks.

A small Galacian military naval base, bustling with activity
V952 "Strilka" The quick, nimble and heavily armed starfighter of the Galacian Navy
Barsuk Bomber A larger, more heavily armed cousin of the Strilka, designed for station and starship assault
Pachenko class destroyers of the Galacian Navy on patrol near the 45th Union / Galacian DMZ

GGF Regular Army

Regular Army Infantry The core of the infantry is made up of "Regulars", two thirds of which are volunteers on short to mid term contracts, the rest of which are usually made up of conscripted citizens that were unable to find work by a certain age.

Trooper - The regular footsoldier of the Galacian Ground Forces, Armed with a pulse rifle and a grenade
Trooper (AT) - regulars that also carry a single use rocket launcher on his back
Trooper (LMG) - regulars that are armed with a light machinegun, to act as an offensive gunner and force multiplier
Combat Medic - troopers that are trained and equipped to also revive the fallen.
NCO - veteran troopers who acts as a team leaders and assistant to the squad leader
Weapons Specialist (HMG) - A weapons specialist who operates a heavy machinegun, usually from an emplacement.
Weapons Specialist (AT) - An alternate loadout of the weapons specialist who uses a heavy, reloadable AT weapon.
Squad Leader - A veteran sergeant or higher, that leads the infantry squad in the field and gives tactical orders .
Radio Operator - Troopers that also carry a long range communications system, usually attached at the platoon level.
Combat Engineer - Support units that build and maintain fortifications, as well as repair vehicles.
Paratrooper - Experienced Path-finding Light Infantry who are deployed from Berkuts, usually operating behind enemy lines.
Recon Commando - Operators that perform several specialized roles, like infiltration, sniping, sabotage, etc
Irregulars - paramilitaries often comprising of non-enlisted loyalists or mercenaries
Psionik Operative - possessing an extremely rare and powerful martial psionik ability
Officer - Unit leaders that operate from the platoon to company level
Senior Officer - Unit leaders that operate from the battalion to army level

Heavy Infantry The GR Army fields a semi independent branch of troops usually referred to as Heavy Infantry, or the Shock Trooper Corps. These units are troops that have been enhanced with cybernetics and rigorously brainwashed into following a specific behavioral doctrine. They in some context of the phrase "Elite Troops" but within the branch there are multiple levels of Shock Trooper, including regular, advanced, elite, and a few specialist roles within each rank. They are unquestionably loyal and considerably more deadly than the regular army troops. Cold and calculating efficiency, complete brutality and cruelty onto their enemies, and even when faced with death they are fearless to the last minifig.

These Heavy units are not usually deployed alongside regulars. On multiple occasions they have been known to assault or even kill allies in cold blood when they obstructed the carrying out of their orders. This is not because of a sense of superiority or any kind of arrogance within the troops, their cybernetic enhancements are also neural, and that they think more like machines than minifigs.

Their weapons and equipment remain nearly the same as regulars, but their purpose on the battlefield, at least for the non-specialist troops, is that of a heavy assault unit, to smash through enemy forces quickly, and disregarding any threats or risks.

The Shock Trooper Corps keeps it's soldiers for life. The changes they undergo turn them into more of a machine than minifig. The longterm goal of the program is to replace the entire fighting force of the army and navy with these "drones", but volunteers are very few and far between. Due to the brainwashing nature of their upgrades, the program is rumored to transform prisoners into faceless, emotionless slave soldiers.

Army Infantry Composition

Unit Name Lead By Unit Composition
Team Kapral (Cpl) 4-5 Troops
Section Serdzhant, or Starshiy Serdzhant (Sgt, Staff Sgt) 2 teams
Expanded Section Praporshkik (Master Sgt) 3 teams
Platoon Leytinant (1Lt) 2-3 Sections
Mechanized Platoon Starshina or Praporshkik (Senior Sgt or Master Sgt) Up to 5 Vehicles. Ratio of 1 Mech Platoon per infantry platoon
Company Kaptan or Mayor (Cpt, Maj) 2-3 Companies
Battallion Polkovnik (Col) 2-3 Companies
Regiment Kombrig (Brigadier) 2 Battallions
Division Komdir (Commander) 3-4 Regiments
Army Komdiv (General) 3-4 Divisions

Infantry Weaponry

Until Late G.R 2015 the Armed forces were still relying on slug firing weaponry as the empire's capacity to produce energy weapons was damaged. However they have resumed use of energy munitions and have rolled out Pulse small arms to all ground units

Most Galacian Army small arms use light blue transparent power cores as ammunition. This refined power source is in huge abundance in the sector and is at least marginally more powerful than red transparent, also in abundance in the sector. This LBT is used in pulse weapons primarily, Pulse weapons are complicated hybrid weapons that have traits of both a kinetic and energy weapon. They hit extremely hard and they are very loud. Galacian Pulse weaponry is renowned around the galactic neighborhood for it's "Dakka" Properties...

Infantry Armor and Ranking Infantry uniforms almost always consist of White composite hardsuit armor over top of white, black or grey body gloves. Helmets are usually white but Medics units wear Black helms. Almost all enlisted wear heavy black tinted ballistic visors, with the exception of Medics who have dark green, and Recon who have smoked. Officers wear red visors. Top ranking NCOs and Officers use Gold visors instead of red. Some but very few units wear headgear other than the standard encased helmet.

The Galacian Regular Uniform is based off of a Canadian design, the white armor and warm clothing was used as many of Galacia's core worlds experience long or year round winter conditions and became too much of a logistical issue to get theatre specific armor for every world.

The chain of command in the Galacian army is long and convoluted. Requiring many years of service or extreme feats of heroism to reach the upper ranks.

Enlisted: Private, Senior Private and Corporal NCO: Junior Sergeant, Sergeant, Staff Sergeant, Senior Sergeant and Master Sergeant Officer: Junior Lieutenant, Lieutenant, Captain, Major Commander: Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel, Brigadier, General, Marshal

Enlisted soldiers, making up the grunts of the army, who wear white armor, white helmets and black visors.

Non-Commissioned Officers, consisting of experienced veterans who make up an important link between the Officers and Grunts. They wear armor identical to Enlisted. Except most will have custom decals painted on their helmets. This however is not true for Heavy infantry units, while consisting of mostly NCO ranks, are not allowed to customize their armor. Squad leader NCOs will have orange striped armor.

Officers, consisting of the company and battalion commanders of the army and the most common symbol of authority on an army base. Their armor is usually white, and sometimes consists of maroon trim. With Red visors.

Commanders, being the top brass of the military; generally wear their own outfits. However grey arms, red or white epaluettes, and gold visors are the typical features of commanders below a Two-Star General. After which, personalized uniforms and outfits become commonplace.


These are the basic weapons used by the Galacian Ground Forces and Galacian Navy Personnel

Fora-12 Pulse gun- The standard Sidearm of GR Officers, Vehicle crews and non combat personnel .
Use Range Damage
3 6 1d6
Black Kite- A much heavier sidearm powered by a miniatureized dark energy core and packing a serious wallop , usually only carried by elite Praetorians or the highest ranking officers. Known to blast minifigs to bits
Use Range Damage
3 6 1d6 + 2
Malkrov-4 SMG- A compact automatic pulse weapon normally seen in the hands of Commandos and specialists. It uses an abnormal angled side loaded magazine.
Use Range Damage
3 8 1d6+1
Automatic Weapon 1 Auto penalty per firing arc or burst.
Grummond SG14 Shotgun- A close quarters blastgun. Replaced the Large and unweildy SG12. Favored by jump jet troops who like to crash into the enemy and unload point blank.
Use Range Damage
3 6 1d8+1-Distance
M80 Stick Grenade Mk1- Volatile Synthetic OT Stick grenades that are carried by many troopers, warheads are often removed and fired from launchers for more range.
Use Range Damage
3 thrown 1d10 , 3" radius
Kybov LPR-37- The Kybov Light Pulse Rifle is the standard service rifle of the Galacian Ground forces, powered by LBT cores, makes a loud report, and hits extremely hard for a weapon of it's side. A highly desirable weapon for the common foot soldier.
Use Range Damage
3 10 1d6+1
Sich PBR-96- The Sich Pulse Battle Rifle is a larger counterpart to the LPR, less effective at closer ranges but boasts more raw killing power at medium and longer ranges, Sometimes equipped with underbarrel launchers as well.
Use Range Damage
4 "3 if target 8" or farther" 12 1d6+2
Grenade Launcher Can fire an M80 Grenade on an arc, up to 8" away
Kybov SPMG- The Squad Pulse Machine gun is a cousin of the LPR. Considered an "Offensive" Machinegun, brings considerably more dakka to an assault team.
Use Range Damage
3 8 1d6+1
Automatic Weapon* 1 Auto penalty per firing arc or burst. If fired more than twice in a single turn, must be reloaded. Otherwise can keep shooting.
TMG-50- The Tunder MG-50 is a general purpose machinegun relative to the battle rifle., more suited for a defensive role, but perfectley capable of being fired on the move by a heavy infantry shock trooper. Who incidentally are the only troops that use them.
Use Range Damage
3 10 1d6+2
Automatic Weapon* 1 Auto penalty per firing arc or burst. If fired more than twice in a single turn, must be reloaded. Otherwise can keep shooting.
Duga Sniper Rifle- A long range higher powered variant of the battle rifle, tooled for sniping poor fool's faces off.
Use Range Damage
4 15 1d6
Bipod If the user of this weapon dedicates an entire turn to aiming. He may pick between a +1 damage boost, or 2" bonus to range for his next shot.
Mini-Shuka- A lighter, troop portable variant of the Shuka Plasma HMG, Using plasma coated pulse rounds, the Shuka series can completely rip through minifigs, sometimes hitting others standing close enough behind them..
Use Range Damage
4 8 2d6
Automatic ** 1 Auto penalty per firing arc or burst, automatically passes through up to 1" of light material, like a minifig. But not armor.
Shuka HMG- Known as the "Buzzsaw" as well as "The Galacian Butthurt Machine" the Shuka is a heavy machinegun that if given the chance to deploy, will absolutely carve through a hoard of minifigs.
Use Range Damage
4 10 2d6
Automatic ** 1 Auto penalty per firing arc or burst, automatically passes through up to 1" of light material, like a minifig. But not armor.

Motor Pool

Light and medium weight vehicles






Pandur MRAP

Grenzer MRAP

Appearance UGV.jpg Hamvee.jpg Ranger.jpg Samoyed.jpg Enforcer2.png Armadillo.jpg Hunter.jpg Berkut.png
Type Unmanned Infantry Support Platform Light Armored Car Utility Truck Heavy Utility Truck Infantry Mobility Vehicle Armored Personnel Carrier Infantry Mobility Vehicle Attack Transport Aircraft
Service Life 2012- 2005-2011
(In use by irregulars)
2013- 2014- 2016- (Repurposed into Support Vehicle) 2009- 2014- 2016-
Variants Mk.1 R15 (Revision of GR2015) M100 V8 4x4 M250 4X4 Mk.4 Nk.5 Nk.2 Mk.2
Armor Rating (Size) 1 1 1 1.5 2 3 2 4
Armament Twin barreled light machine gun (Magnetic) Roof mounted Light Machine Gun (Magnetic) None None Remote controlled Chaingun (Magnetic) Twin barreled AP Heavy machine gun (kinetic) Heavy Machine Gun (kinetic) Dumbfire Rockets, Heavy Machinegun (Kinetic, Explosive)
Crew/Carry capacity N/A 2/2 1/2 1/9 1/4 2/4+2 2/2 +2 1/6

Heavy and very heavy weight vehicles





Kodiak II


Appearance Marshal.jpg Condor.jpg Bmaster.png Kodiak1.png Kodiak2.jpg Cossack.jpg Samson.jpg
Type Armored Personnel Carrier Infantry Fighting Vehicle Medium Tank Medium Tank Main Battle Tank Main Battle Tank Super Heavy Tank (SDT)
Service Life 2016- 2015- 2004-2011
(Phased out)
(In Reserves only)
2014- 2016- 2013-
Variants M90A. M90B C3A, C3B BM-1, BM-2 M14 M14B, M15, M15B, M15D Cossack, Oplot G-500/V3
Armor Rating (Size) 3.5 4 2 3 4 6 8
Armament Shuka-AP Heavy Machine Gun
Twin Barreled light machine gun (Magnetic)
Twin Barreled AP Autocannon (Magnetic/AP)
B1 Gun (Explosive)
Twin Barreled light machine gun (Conventional Cartridge)
D1 Gun (Magnetic/Explosive)
Light Machine gun (Magnetic)
D1M Gun (Magnetic/Explosive)
Light Machine gun (Magnetic)
D1-0T Gun (Magnetic/Explosive)
Shuka Heavy Machine Gun (energy)
TS-1 Gun (Plasma)
Twin Grenade Launchers (Explosive)
Shuka Heavy Machine Gun (energy)
Crew/Carry capacity 1/5 1/6 3 3 3 3 4