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Galacian Republic
Federated Republic
Tek Level 6
200 systems in the ESS, Claims on 100 more
Zjednoczona Rzeczpospolita Polska (Affiliated)
Zaphorzian Republic
45th Union
Notable People

GR Military, end of 2016

The Galacian Republic or GR in simpler terms, is a successor of the Elkossian Empire that existed in the Elkoss space sector until G.R 2012 when it was ultimately broken and balkanized at the conclusion of a year long war with savage Peach invaders. While the dominant power of the region, it was largely considered a rump state of the former Elkossian Empire until GR2016 when it had finally rebuilt and surpassed it's predecessor.


Originating from a merging of anti-communists refugees who fled the Western Kievan region of the Pan-Slavia sector and the local population who were still stuck in the feudal ages, The Galacian republic is a state that has existed in a sector close to that of the Halkron sector of the Galaxia Nehellenium. It sprung from the ruins of the Elkossian Empire in G.R 2014 after several other failed states had laid claim to heir of the Empire. The Elkossian Empire had enjoyed relative peace and progress until G.R 2011 when it was invaded and embroiled in a years long war against a gargantuan Peach invasion consisting of many factions that banded together. The resulting war balkanized the Empire and forced it to retreat and consolidate to it's core systems. Government remnants would rise and fall for 2 or 3 years after the war. It wasn't until G.R 2014 that a stable power,controlling the capital and having regained control of key systems in the sector, declared the beginning of a "reformation" and the state would now be known as the "Galacian Republic". After which, several other successor states and separatist groups alike would compete for supremacy in the sector and argue over whom is the legitimate government, like they had been for the past 5 years.

The Galacian Republic government was shifted during the war after a military coup seized control of the upper echelons of the government due to the military's refusal to accept the defeatist tones of the government toward the end of the war. After the coup, the remaining Naval ships engaged in "Operation Hammer Down" which resulted in the nuclear bombardment of the Capital as well as a few colonies in a last-ditch attempt to slow the progress of the Peach tidal wave in G.R 2012. The operation was a success and gave the Army a chance to turn the tide, and end the war. After the war, the republic took on a much more fascist and independent attitude.


The Galacian Republic is governed by the House of Representatives, which is headed by a President , who is often but not always the leader of the dominant political party of the government. These political parties are usually groups of politicians who agree on certain ideologies or issues. Every 5 years there are elections held across the nation, Popular politicians are elected in towns, cities and districts on each populated planet in each system under EFR control, although not everyone may vote, especially peaches who are treated little better than farm animals. A policy that has caused much criticism from groups from both the EFR's regional opponents and some outside powers.

In G.R 2014 the elections placed the Petrochemical business CEO "Bobrov Borshenko" into power on a promise of rebuilding the country with foreign aid. His rule would be short lived as shortly after the elections, the EFR lost control of it's homeworld's moon "Oplot" to the Seperatist movement (Which later became the Zaphor Republic, nicknamed the "Zappos" by the Galacians), who at the time were only a minor opponent to the EFR in the sector. The seizure of Oplot and it's infrastructure allowed the New Republic movement to grow into a major threat as well as plant resistance movements all over EFR held territory until it became a legitimate power in it's own right. After the bloodless loss of territory over the span of a few weeks to the Zaphorzian rebels, President Borshenko began pleading for military assitance from various organizations and factions in the AN, seeking to hire "mercenaries" as the military was relatively unwilling to start a civil war at the time.

Nationalists were downright ashamed of their government, and outright furious with the president. What followed was dubbed the "Orange Revolution" led by the "National Bloc" which was a coalition of nationalist and fascist esque groups in the government. The nationalists incited riots in the capital which dragged on for two months. At it's conclusion, Borshenko fled the capital and disappeared. Nationalists seized control of the government and the "Re-elections" that followed resulted in a sweeping Nationalist victory, presumably because of the knee-jerk reaction from the very recent Orange Revolution

Sometime between G.R 2014/2015, The Nationalist government decreed that the military would start painting it's equipment with Orange, to distinguish itself from other lookalikes.

The government is dominated by the Nationalist coalition, a right wing group led by Stepan Tesarik, the National Bloc is very proud and somewhat fascist in nature, it government urges self sufficiency and patriotic fervor for a nation rebuilding after it was nearly wiped off the map. The Nationalist government firmly believes that the people of the Galacian Republic will reclaim the sector for themselves, restore the empire and determine their own future independently, and staunchly oppose foreign intervention, as well as refusing foreign aid. They beileve they have the potential to become a Great power in galatic politics, completely on their own The Tesarik government is fiercely protective of it's nations culture and identity, However it would also like to become involved in galactic politics, but on it's own terms. The Tesarik government maintains communications with a number of entities, including the an envoy to the AN as well as some level of diplomatic talks withUSA,Konfederacja Polska, and Emeria. Typically the only types of governments the Nationalist will -never- entertain are those of Communist, Peach, or Religious extremist backgrounds.

While officially Democratic, Galacia is a de facto Fascist state with the ruling party taking a stranglehold over civil affairs, the common citizen has much less individual power than he once did in the country. Outside powers consider it to be bordering that of an opressive police state


  • At home in the Gold Sector, The Galacian Republic is at war or some amount of contention with a number of rebel states and wholly independent organizations all competing for dominion over the sector
  • The GR considers the USSSR to be it's mortal enemy and will always be in a de-facto state of war with them. This animosity comes from the USSSR's occupation of it's ancestral homelands west of the Kiyev system in the purple sector. the GR blames the USSSR for destroying Kiyevan culture and replacing it with Space Commie culture. Despite the GR and it's neighbors having developed their own culture as far back as G.R 1999, There still exists an intense hatred for communists because of things that happened ages ago.

Alliances and Coalitions

The GR was an Observer member of EPEEN, but suspended their membership after Nationalist takeover, Mostly due to the Space Mafia taking control of Emeria. It resumed it's Observer membership in G.R 2016 although still not knowing what the f*** was going on with the Alliance.

  • Immortal War The GR has no stance on the conflict and has no interest of ever becoming involved.
  • AN-TA War The GR Had no official stance during the war, and wished to remain neutral as it had sympathies with both sides during the conflict. It nearly sided with the Third Alliance as it's enemy, the Zaphorzians, was seeking to join the USA on the AN side. The conflict ended before either side could join their respective alliances however.
  • Communo-Fascist Insurgency The GR is not officially involved in the conflict, but fully supports the Coalition despite the GR being somewhat fascist itself. Galacians appreciate the Poles and Magyars taking a stand against the Communist opponents as they themselves are repelling a communist insurgency. While the two have never entered formal relations, the Tesarik regime announced a "carte blanche" and offered the Coalition any form of support in fighting the communists should they ask, And also sent a large shipment of laser small arms and munitions to the Poles as a state gift. Responding to this offer, the Polish sent delegates to occupy a Polish consulate provided by the GR, But the embassy's personnel were attacked by Communist separatists, this action resulted in a new campaign against the communists in the ESS, but also solidified Galacian-Polish relations for the time being. The nationalists look for -any- opportunity to take a crack at the USSSR.

Organizations and Groups

Galacian Army - The Army has a proud history dating back to the foundation of the empire, and is most remembered for it's heroic last stand on the home world during the peach wars. The Army held out long enough for the Navy to launch a last ditch assault on peach positions to give the Army a fighting chance to turn the tide, which they did. While the ESR's overall military force has been reduced to a fraction of it's former strength, it maintains a very large and well equipped Land force, the Army upholds the legacy of their forbears. This pride has transformed into a violent sense of superiority, in the years following the victory, the Galacian Army has become increasingly more brutal in both it's wartime and peacetime actions. The ESR Army has been accused of War Crimes by many peach and peach-sympathizing parties

  • Infantry Divisions - Both Mechanized and Motorized, the Army's main fighting force is the Rifleman, it's light infantry units make up the line bread and butter of it's land fighting forces.
  • Heavy Infantry Divisions - Starting in G.R 2014 the Army began to introduce a new kind of soldier into it's ranks. Recruited by volunteers already in the army, as well as from sources outside the military, These Heavy Infantry were outfitted in advanced power combat armor. It became apparent that the common minifig could not support the armor and equipment they were expected to carry on their own, so these soldiers were implanted with genetic modification, and a number of cybernetic implants.
  • Rangers - An elite heavy infantry group comprised of veterans that acts as the Army's special forces regiment.
  • Armored regiment - Supplied by several state run and private organizations, the Army has a considerable supply of Tanks, Drones, and IFVs.
  • Loyalist Militias - While not officially apart of the Army, paramilitary groups have been known to be trained and equipped by the military for various uses.

Galacian Star Navy - Reduced to a minor fraction of it's former fighting ability, The Navy's last proper battleships and frigates are stationed in the Volsk system and are largely loyal to the local government and not the capital. As such, the effective fighting capacity of the Navy is reduced to a meager fleet of licensed produced or rented transports and light frigates. The Navy is almost exclusively used for transporting land forces around the the sector.

  • Battlegroup Volsk - The last true ships of the navy, somewhat aged and wholly disobedient to the homeworld government, Battlegroup Volsk is nothing but a glorified pirate fleet that has taken to raiding areas outside of the empire's territory to make use of it's time.
  • Battlegroup Tesar - A misleading name for the mostly rented force of transport and light frigate ships, the Tesar battlegroup is the primary wing of the navy due to the incidents with the Volsk fleet.
  • ESN Marine Corps - The Naval Infantry Corps was once a major sub-division of the military that was mainly charged with boarding enemy vessels and defending it's own, but having had it's navy shaved down to a pathetic fraction the marines now, more often than not operate under Army command.

Civil Protection - Civil Protection is the official federal police force that polices the populace on worlds still held by the ESR. The Civil Protection force is partly administered and supervised by the AN as they are the primary peacekeepers in a system that is considered to be in civil war with many parties all petitioning the AN in one way or another

State Industries - The largest and most important manufacturing companies were put under state ownership by the military junta that preceded the Tesarik Government. Most of the state run industries are military related but a few are also involved in civilian markets. Factories and refineries are able to produce most of the equipment and supplies needed by the Army, but not the Navy. Requiring most of it's ships to be acquired through leasing. Arms and Munitions sectors are able to produce an excess of goods that are sold and exported out of the system.



The Army fields a large, well equipped and diverse infantry force that is supported by armored transports and fighting vehicles. Most of it's troops are equipped with high grade kinetic or energy weaponry and composite hardsuit armor. Since G.R 2014 the Army began fielding genetically modified cybernetic soldiers clad in heavy power armor, unlike the regular army these units serve the rest of their lives in the military.

Troop Types

Overview of Infantry types within Galacian Military

Non enlisted troops

  • Militia - While more a trait of the rebel opposition, the GR uses loyalist paramilitary and civilian militia in some circumstances, often using antiquated weapons and equipment when the situation warrants it.

Regular Army Enlisted

  • Rifleman - The backbone of the Republic military is the rifleman, a footsoldier who is trained to do little more than take or defend ground, and to kill enemy troops. He carries an LR37 rifle, A stick grenade and sometimes a Zudnik Rocket launcher or a supplies rucksack for prolonged operations.
  • Gunner - A variation of the rifleman, gunners carry the SS95 LSW which can be turned into a long heavy hitting battle rifle, or an automatic light machine gun, there are usually 1 to 3 of these troops in each squad.
  • Combat Medic - Another variation of the standard rifleman, Medics carry portable medical tools that can rebuild and revive fallen troops, and operate as another gun when the medical services are not required
  • Specialist - Every basic infantry squad has a specialist who could carry any number of weapons, the specialist ultimately determins the specialty of the squad, whether it be a Machinegun, demolitions, a heavy AT weapon, or something else
  • NCO - A veteran infantryman who has served enough time or otherwise become skilled and competent enough to have lesser enlisted under his charge. Squads usually have 2 of these veterans and they lead teams if the squad must split up. NCOs will carry either an SS95 or a LR37, Whichever they used before being promoted.
  • Squad Leader - A high ranking NCO who leads the entire squad in field operations, much like the NCOs he carries whatever he became most accustomed to as a regular soldier. His job is to coordinate his squad and complete tactical objectives.

Other army personnel

  • POGs - A somewhat derogatory nickname for noncombat base personnel. They perform a variety of sometimes menial tasks while being in the official employ of the military, while not particularly glamorous they recieve some recognition after their time in the military ends even if they were just a "POG" Although they sometimes operate combat drones from a remote location
  • Vehicle Crew - Aside from lighter vehicles like trucks and MRAPs, a trained dedicated crew is required to operate the APCs, IFVs and tanks and aircraft of all kinds.
  • Republican Guard - An "Elite" arm of the regular army that is technically a paramilitary organization, while equipped with similar or identical equipment to the army, they are trained and paid by government organizations. (See: Waffen SS). They carry a range of weaponry not unlike the regular army
  • Air Assault Troops - A special variant of the rifleman trained to make high risk combat drops in from aircraft. Carries an LR37 or a GMG95, an upgraded dedicated LMG of the SS95 platform

Heavy Infantry Program

  • Generation I Assault Trooper - The GR's inital "Super Soldier" program created the 1st Generation "Assault Trooper", a heavily armored frontline infantry that was loyal to the republic beyond question, although his cybernetic and biological enhancements eliminated any chance of him having a normal life, therefore all of these Cyborg Assault troopers will serve in the military the rest of their lives. Very few volunteer for this job however, so the GR resorts to taking captive prisoners of sufficient physical condition, brainwashing them by installing a number of loyalty implants in addition to their upgrades and sending them out into the world. Gen 1 Assault troops use basic infantry equipment but their Model A power armor is considerably heavier than the average trooper
  • Generation II Assault Trooper - While the training and control regimen proved successful, the equipment for the cyborg troops could not be produced at the rate it was needed, clad in Power armor Model A-II, GenII Heavies are little different than their gen1 predecessors other than that they wear slightly lighter albeit easier produced armor
  • Generation III Advanced Assault Trooper - A faster and even more vicious stage of the Heavy Infantry Program, using regular infantry weaponry and sporting Model D power armor, the best available for a regular soldier. GenIII are extremley costly to "create". GenIII are also supplemented by specialists of their own
  • GenIII Specialists - GenIII Assault troops have weapon specialist variants, the Flamer and the Shuka Gunner. The flamer as it's name implies uses an incindiary weapon melting enemies and ABS alike while the Shuka gunner carries a Mini-Shuka LMG, Which is essentially a shorter version of the staple Shuka HMG, They use this rapid fire energy machinegun to carve through rebels and other opponents.
  • Centurion - Starting in GenII, Cybernetic troops were given proper officer / squad leader types, clad in red accented armor they operate as squad or platoon level commanders

Republic Rangers - The result of government meddling and propaganda, The Republic Rangers are an "elite" cadre within the trans-minifig arm, They are considered the most elite of all ground troops. Clad in specialized Models B and C power armor, the Rangers carry LR37s, GMG95s, X898 Plasma rifles, OT Grenades and SS95L Sniper Rifles.


  • Officers - Formation leaders of various tiers and ranks, Officers generally are in command of units and control the whole flow of an operation.
  • Lifeguards - Elite Trans-minifig guards who's sole purpose is to protect or assist VIPs such as tier 4 officers (commanders and generals) and government leaders

Infantry Armor and Ranking Infantry uniforms almost always consist of White composite armor over top of white, black or grey body gloves. Helmets are usually white but Medics wear Black helms. Visor color on the helms is uniform by position, All enlisted ranks have clear visors, although team and squad leaders visors are dark. Medics are again an exception, who wear blue visors on their helms.

Troops of specialist training or apart of units considered elite will often have their white armor emblazoned with different patterns or colors indicating what unit they belong to, although this system is somewhat confusing as Officers also use colored armor to indicate rank.

  • White: White with no markings or extra colors is used by all enlisted ranks
  • Fern Green: Used by weapons specialists, who carry the squad heavy weapon. Usually but not always a Shuka machinegun
  • Dark Orange Accents: Used by army regular squad leaders
  • Red: Used by Centurions, the heavy unit equivalent to a squad leader
  • Orange armor with white markings: worn by the Republican Guard.
  • White power armor with orange markings: worn by Republic Rangers
  • Maroon accents: Used tier 1 officers. Usually commanding 2 to 4 squads, essentially a platoon leader
  • Blue accents: Used by tier 2 officers. Usually command multiple platoons, essentially a company leader
  • Silver accents: Used by tier 3 officers. Usually the commander of an entire battalion or regiment
  • Gunmetal Grey: Used by Elite Bodyguards of government and military figures.
  • High ranking members above the third tier, generally wear what they want, this includes Generals, Government staff and other leaders

Infantry Weaponry

Small arms of the Galacian Military L to R: Sidearm / Kybov LR-37 Service Rifle / SS-95 Heavy Rifle *with barrel attachments* / SG12 Shotgun / X898 Plasma Rifle / Mini Shuka LMG / Shuka HMG / Zudnik AP disposable Anti Tank Munition

Until Late G.R 2015 the Armed forces were still relying on slug firing weaponry as the empire's capacity to produce energy weapons was damaged. However they have resumed use of energy munitions and have rolled out Magnetic and Plasma arms to all wings of the Army.

Most Galacian Army small arms use light blue transparent power cores as ammunition. This refined power source is in huge abundance in the sector and is at least marginally more powerful than red transparent, also in abundance in the sector. Transparent neon green and trans bright green have also been refined into use for highly advanced plasma weapons, which have been limited to elite unit usage and on some vehicles. The primary small arms are the Kybov LR-37 and SS95 Heavy Rifles, the latter of which comes with several barrel attachments for different roles. Both are magnetic weapons that are mass produced although thought to have been based on designs from the Space Wars

Other widespread standard issue weaponry for the troops include Synthetic OT Stick grenades, the Zudnik AP rocket launcher and it's variants. and lastly the Shuka plasma Machinegun knicknamed "Buzzsaw" which singlehandedly caused immense butthurt from opposition forces due to it's rate of fire which could only be described as "stupid". The Shuka was used in a terrorist attack by Mozorovan Communists in G.R 2016 which led to the mobilization and escalation of the MSU/GFR conflict. Lighter, troop portable versions were rolled out in G.R 2016 under the name "Mini-Shuka"

Motor Pool

Light and medium weight vehicles






Armadillo MRAP

Hunter MRAP

Appearance UGV.jpg Hamvee.jpg Ranger.jpg Samoyed.jpg Enforcer2.png Armadillo.jpg Hunter.jpg Berkut.png
Type Unmanned Infantry Support Platform Light Armored Car Utility Truck Heavy Utility Truck Infantry Mobility Vehicle Armored Personnel Carrier Infantry Mobility Vehicle Attack Transport Aircraft
Service Life 2012- 2005-2011
(In use by irregulars)
2013- 2014- 2016- (Repurposed into Support Vehicle) 2009- 2014- 2016-
Current model (Version/Variant) Mk.1 R15 (Revision of GR2015) M100 V8 4x4 M250 4X4 Mk.4 Nk.5 Nk.2 Mk.2
Armor Rating (Size) 1 1 1 1.5 2 3 2 4
Armament Twin barreled light machine gun (Magnetic) Roof mounted Light Machine Gun (Magnetic) None None Remote controlled Chaingun (Magnetic) Twin barreled AP Heavy machine gun (kinetic) Heavy Machine Gun (kinetic) Dumbfire Rockets, Heavy Machinegun (Kinetic, Explosive)
Crew/Carry capacity N/A 2/2 1/2 1/9 1/4 2/4+2 2/2 +2 1/6

  • The UGV is a light autonomous or remote controlled wheeled drone that provides reconnaissance and fire support for the basic rifle squad
  • The Hamvee is an infantry combat transport from long ago, some still kept in working order but have since been outclassed by so many others. Still used by loyalist paramilitary groups from time to time as a scout vehicle.
  • The M100 Ranger is an upgraded off road pickup truck. It is not suited for combat duty as it is has little to no armor. Primarily used for utility, logistics and non-combat transport
  • The M250 Samoyed is a medium sized Troop truck, heavily armored for a truck, it is considered the most basic of transport vehicles for the GR.
  • The E4 Enforcer was the Elkossian Empire's Hamvee Replacement, it was considered a failure due to complicated production process but was repurposed by the GR as a mobile communications vehicle to support ground troops.
  • The M5 Armadillo was another Elkoss era vehicle. Originally an APC,Later on it was deemed too small for it's role by the GR, It was retrofitted into a "heavy" variant of the new Armored troop vehicles, "MRAP"s
  • The M6 Hunter is a heavily armored small transport that is ultimately the successor of the Hamvee and Enforcer. It is heavily armored and ideal for a fireteam of 4.
  • The FLGV-2016 Berkut "Meaning Eagle" is a multirole ground attack aircraft. Powerful VTOL thrusters, and carrying enough arms and armor to be considered a flying tank, it also can carry up to 6 air assault troops

Heavy and very heavy weight vehicles





Kodiak II


Appearance Marshal.jpg Condor.jpg Bmaster.png Kodiak1.png Kodiak2.jpg Cossack.jpg Samson.jpg
Type Armored Personnel Carrier Infantry Fighting Vehicle Medium Tank Medium Tank Main Battle Tank Main Battle Tank Super Heavy Tank (SDT)
Service Life 2016- 2015- 2004-2011
(In Reserves only)
(In Reserves only)
2014- 2016- 2013-
Current model (Version/Variant) YAR-90 A-II C3 BM-1 E-200 G-200/M3 G-16/M1
Armor Rating (Size) 3.5 4 2 3 4 6 8
Armament Shuka-AP Heavy Machine Gun
Twin Barreled light machine gun (Magnetic)
Twin Barreled AP Autocannon (Magnetic/AP)
B1 Gun (Explosive)
Twin Barreled light machine gun (Conventional Cartridge)
D1 Gun (Magnetic/Explosive)
Light Machine gun (Magnetic)
D1M Gun (Magnetic/Explosive)
Light Machine gun (Magnetic)
D1-0T Gun (Magnetic/Explosive)
Shuka Heavy Machine Gun (energy)
TS-1 Gun (Plasma)
Twin Grenade Launchers (Explosive)
Shuka Heavy Machine Gun (energy)
Crew/Carry capacity 1/5 1/6 3 3 3 3 4
  • The YAR90 Marshal APC was supposed to be an attempt at what the Armadillo hoped to accomplish, while of high quality the Marshal is treated as the ugly duckling of the motor pool, Not as maneuverable as an MRAP, and not as armed or armored as an IFV. It is essentially a much heavier cousin of the Hunter.
  • The C3 Condor IFV is the Republic's heaviest non-Tank armored combat vehicle, a squat profile, heavy armor and carrying weapons bigger than some tanks, the Condor is used only in the most brutal of frontline engagements.
  • The BM-1 Battlemaster was the Main Battle Tank of the Elkoss Empire. It was used up until the end of the peach war, most have been taken out of service. The Kodiak would be developed off the same basis as this ancient warhorse.
  • The E200 Kodiak Was a short lived upgrade to the Battlemaster, developed by a rump state that came after the Elkoss Empire, but before the Republic. The Kodiak was a small improvement over the battlemaster, although much mroe aesthetically pleasing than it's predecessor
  • The G200/M3 Kodiak II is a further development of the Kodiak, heavier armor, a stronger gun and longer overall range, the Kodiak II Served as the GR's main battle tank until 2016, but in those years it was widely feared throughout the sector as it proved a very tough tank to crack
  • The G16/M2 Rakushka (Once known as the Cossack) Is the GR's most modern battle tank, fielded alongside the Kodiak II and intended to eventually replace it. Where the Kodiak was tough, the Rakushka is downright nasty. Developed to counter the Rebel's Schwarzkopf tank, basically a heavy tank, the Rakushka excelled in every way imaginable and brought the Schwarzkopf's supremacy to a very early end
  • The G-500 Samson Is a SHDT that was designed after the peach wars, although it never found it's stride until the days of the GR. While effective at destroying vehicles, the Samson is best suited to destroying fortifications. Breaking the 4th wall: The vehicle gets it's namesake in memory of a friend who was murdered in 2015, a good fraction of my parts came from him when we were kids.