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It is known for being difficult to reach. Populated by extremely deadly anomalies and hostile life. And also possesses infinite resources. Thus it is a highly sought after albeit dangerous region for minifigs to set up expeditions and supply bases.
It is known for being difficult to reach. Populated by extremely deadly anomalies and hostile life. And also possesses infinite resources. Thus it is a highly sought after albeit dangerous region for minifigs to set up expeditions and supply bases.
It Is also linked to its sister baseplate Monolith Omega. Which is a tiny and dark region that houses the Monolith crystal.
It Is also linked to its sister baseplate, Omega
==Omega Plate==
Monolith Omega is a tiny, dark and cold baseplate that exists in an unknown region of voidspace,  and is hidden by powerful psionic energy fields. Omega is the home of the Monolith Crystal. As of year R2019, aside from being summoned by the Monolith crystal itself, no means of travel have been found.
==Other Plates==
=Known Factions=
=Known Factions=

Revision as of 04:47, 29 January 2019

The great Monolith Battleplates
Battleplate Dimension
Legitimitium MultiVerse
Periods of Interest
Post-Ragnablok Era
All manner of ABS, Artifakts and Crystals
Forces Unknown
Perpetually Contested by minifig factions
Minifigs, Beastfigs, Demons, Mutants, Paranormal Entities
Key Locations
Monolith Alpha

The Monolith Battleplates, also referred to as the Monolith Dimension is an base dimension that was born from the Galaxia Nehellenium during the Ragnablok event. In that galaxy's region known as the Gold Sector had experienced perpetual brutal war at a far higher scale than was normal for the already chaotic Galaxy. Meanwhile, mad scientists had been secretley tampering with the very fabric of reality, and unknowingly ripped a tear in the Multiverse that created a large crystaline entity that would later come to be known as the Monolith.


In the early days of Ragnablok, the entire Gold Sector, and several neighboring star systems vanished in an instant. Scientists and Politicians argued over the cause of this phenomenon. Few were aware of the Monolith, those that were learned the Crystal had absorbed all energy in the sector to remove itself from that reality and boost itself into a new one... Elsewhere, outsiders that were left behind in Nehellenium would argue that the Gold Sector had been either saved and taken to brikheaven, or punished and taken to brikhell. In a way, both were true.

The Monolith Battleplates are a seemingly, and yet to be disproved infinite collection of baseplates that goes on forever in every direction. Quarreled over by endless factions of Minifigs, Beastfigs, Demons, Mutants, Supernatural entities and brainwashed agents of the Monolith itself. The forces of the battleplates constantly fight over territory, recruits, resources and artifakts in order to further fuel their love of combat. The most powerful artifakts allow the leaders of these factions to open portals to other realms, and magikally or teknologically inclined outsiders can also open portals to the Monolith Battleplates and raid it for it's own resources.

Supernatural Phenomenon

It had been speculated, and later proven that almost all of the souls of the Gold Sector, had reincarnated as their former selves... This astounded researchers who visited the plane, it was later discovered to be caused by a peculiar and awe inspiring phenomenon of this alternate dimension, is that permanent death is non-existent for Monolithian Minifigs. When one dies, he or she will eventually be reincarnated in their old body. Some will re-emerge very quickly, others take days, weeks, even years to come back. Most lose their memory while others return with their memory and personality intact. It is said that the Psionically gifted are the ones most able to do this without flaws. Generally non psionics or those who weren't subjected to a special procedure, will take a long time to return.

It is also known that the plates is subject to a wide and wild range of natural and unnatural phenomenon. While the entire realm is a complete perversion of the "Natural" State, much of it's territory appears to be "normal" by planetary standards, however there are some regions that appear to be taken straight out of the worst circles of a brikhell. Regions with supernatural and paranormal events not unlike those witnessed in Outer Haven in the Galaxia Nehellenium, but on a much higher, and more intense scale. These regions are downright terrifying for Minifigs, and only the hardiest and bravest dare venture into them. Pretty much anything that can be imagined, can happen in these regions, they are notorious for being radioactive, psionically volatile, extreme temperatures, disastrous weather, and swarming with mutants and other horrors


In addition to the mythic Monolith Crystal, Several "Gods" are thought to exist on the battleplates, influencing Minifigs to do their bidding, whether directly or indirectly. The Ethics of entire factions are secretly influenced by a patron god. Only Chernobog are aware of their Patron, while the other gods do not reveal themselves to minifigs. Occasionally, these gods will implore the factions to leave the battleplates and invade other realms often to capture artifacts or other items of importance, or to fight against factions from outside the battleplates, that act in opposition to their beliefs.

Regions & Locales

Alpha Plate

Monolith Alpha is the Legendary endless baseplate of the Monolith Battleplates

It is known for being difficult to reach. Populated by extremely deadly anomalies and hostile life. And also possesses infinite resources. Thus it is a highly sought after albeit dangerous region for minifigs to set up expeditions and supply bases.

It Is also linked to its sister baseplate, Omega

Omega Plate

Monolith Omega is a tiny, dark and cold baseplate that exists in an unknown region of voidspace, and is hidden by powerful psionic energy fields. Omega is the home of the Monolith Crystal. As of year R2019, aside from being summoned by the Monolith crystal itself, no means of travel have been found.

Other Plates

Known Factions

Faction Patron Leader Notes
God of Order High Command A very large faction that makes use of hardened shock troops, large vehicle formations and elite special forces. The Imperiya is lead by a pair of Legendary commanders supported by several skilled generals and officers under their command. The Imperiya as a group acts as a force of Order, They lay claim over large swathes of territory and tax the residents in exchange for protection. If the locals cannot pay, they will usually agree to provide compensation in another form such as labor or levies for their Army, Those who do not pay the tribute are usually evicted from their land, but sometimes are made an example of and are flattened by an Imperiya Armiya assault.

The Imperiya cares little for the agendas of other factions, So long as they aren't disturbed, they usually leave others alone, and smart groups know to keep their distance from the behemoth faction. They are however bitter enemies of the Pact, and none too friendly with Armata and the Syndicate as well

They are the successors of Galacia

Saint of Purity Jericho Their name, meaning "Vanguard". Vorhut is a clan of purist crusaders who view the battleplates as a plane of brikhell, and that minifigs are sent there as punishment, their purpose in the great Battleplates to rid the plane of Mutants, Bandits and Anarchists. They typically do not bother with neutral settlements unless they're known to he harboring enemy forces. And they will typically not bother with taxing or extorting settlements, the most they will attempt is to recruit from their townsfolk. They seek the utter destruction of the entire battleplates and for all to return to the reality they once came from. They are bitter enemies with Svoboda and The Damned Legions

They are the successors of Varyag

God of the Wild Mikhiluka Their name, meaning "Freedom", Svoboda is a clan of anarchists, daredevils and shit-disturbers. They view the existence of the battleplates as a gift to minifig kind, and wish to see it's gifts shared with the rest of the Brikverse. They typically leave others alone, and aside from blasting annoying recruitment propaganda, they don't interfere with neutrals either. They roam the lands in small groups, constantly on the run from groups like Vorhut and Imperiya.

They are the successors of the Triangular State

God of Change Pracka Armata is a larger faction with a developed combat force that frequentley fights against the Imperiya and the Damned Legions, often over valuable resource territories used to build their bases. Armata tends to project itself as the protector of the ostracized, which is a more broad term to indicate peaches and other abnormals.

They are the successors of the Peacheneg Armata Coalition

God of Knowledge Novus The Echelon is a smaller group that behaves similarly to the Imperiya, passively exerting it's power onto the neutral settlements in order to amass wealth of resources. They are particularly interested in hoarding anomalous artifakts and are one of the few groups to frequently venture into other dimensions.

They are the successors of Volhinya

Dark God of Destruction Charon Chernobog, Meaning "Black Gods" is a warband of pirates, raiders, and other battle hardened murderous thugs. They are known to prey on neutral settlements as a primary target, stealing resources, kidnapping women and burning towns and cities to the ground and causing other general grief, as well as launch brutal attacks on other faction's outposts and bases. They are known to frequentley fight amoungst themselves, and often have more moderate, less hardcore groups break off from their warband and form smaller opposing groups of scum.

They are the successors of the Syndikat

God of Protection Vaclav The Pact is one of the largest factions active on the battleplates, comprising of well equipped, experienced troops with an array of weapons and vehicles. And Founded by ex-members of the old Alliance faction, the Pact started as a "Self Defense" group that sought to protect the freedom of the neutral settlements from aggressive military groups. They evolved into a signifigant military power that was capable of going toe to toe with many of their rivals. They typically oppose any group that harrasses neutrals, especially those in or around their claimed territory.

They are the successors of the Systems Conglomerate

God of Shadows Unknown The Syndicate is a shadowy organization with nefarious motives. Running secret blacksites, raids to destroy enemy facilities, and heists to steal artifakts and other special items. the Syndicate are masters of Stealth, subterfuge and infiltration, their units often utilize cloaking technology. And they are known for using infiltrators to sabotage enemy bases. Their antics have brought them into conflict primarily with Echelon for their collection of Artifakts and advanced technology. But they also sometimes conflict with the Pact and Imperiya due to their own wealth.

They are the successors of the Chernarusyn Star Federation

Other Groups

Faction Leader Notes
Law Enforcers
City Leaders The Lazy, Dishonorable pacifists that fell to the vices of materialism and beauracracy, known as "Governments" are few and far between on the Battleplate, however large groupings of minifigs grew their villages into towns, and then into cities. And these cities had rules for all of their inhabitants. A perverse concept called "Law". Uniformed goons known as Lawmen, Law enforcers, or Police occupy the cities and act as a physical embodiement of the Government's Laws. Although they're just as much of a "threat" to the civilians as they are to potential attackers of cities

Special Resources

While the Battleplate is theoretically infinite, and would mean theoretical infinite resources. Minifig factions, settlements and cities still fight over resources because gathering said infinite resources requires a lot of time to explore and find them.

Aside from the standard ABS materials, the Battleplate is home to several special resources that are used for weapons, energy generation, special components and other necessary requirements for the buildings and vehicles they make for themselves

  • Tibinium: A bright green crystaline mineral that can be used for a wide range of applications.
  • Monolithium: Small Radioactive blue crystals that emit forcefield properties, crucial to development of shields
  • Pinkium: A jagged pink rock that exhibits transformational qualities, critical to the development of teleportation devices
  • Unobtanium: A glow in the dark material that when met with the right reagent, becomes invisible, used in stealth technology


Artifakts are extremely rare and powerful items that grant the user special powers or abilities. They come in two varieties. Natural, and Crafted.

Natural Artifakts are perhaps a misleading description for "naturally" occuring phenomenon found in the wild. While Granted Artifakts are usually some sort of weapon, armor or device that has been rewarded to a minifig by a Battleplate God.

Natural Granted
Occurence rare, but artifakts are not unique, more than one of each can be found in the wild Extremely rare, Each artifakt is unique
Stability Less stable, may carry both positive and negative effects. High chance of violent reaction if used or stored improperly More stable, often grants the user immediate and flawless power
Value Often bought and sold on black markets for varying sums Too precious and valuable to trade. Minifigs fight to the death to keep possession of Granted Artifakts
Power Typically low powered, however some will grant highly unbalanced powers. Greatly varies. Some Artifakts are capable of untold destruction while others simply look cool and grant no actual power increase.
Artifakt Owner Notes
Blackstar Prime Shulga Blackstar is a cursed sword created from a corrupted black ABS. Gifted to an Agent of the Monolith. It can cut through any material except for Orange Transparent Chainsaws and Beamsabers. It's most revered ability however is that it grants the user the ability to teleport to the Monolith. It will not accept a new owner unless the previous owner has been destroyed. And considering it's current owner is a powerful Psionic who serves the Monolith, it may be impossible to truly kill them off long enough to have the sword change owners
WWWF Belt Macho Man The World Wide Wrestling Federation Championship Belt is held by the greatest wrestler in the brikverse. It grants the wearer a sick array of devastating wrestling moves, but comes with the side effect of making the wearer loud, obnoxious and incredibly irritable. Leaving them unable to go long periods without wrestling to vent their anger. Heavies, Aspiring wrestlers, martial artists and body builders are all compelled by the belt, to engage the wearer in Melee and try to take the Championship for themselves.
Glass Soul Charon The Glass Soul is an orb with a dark soul encased within it. Granted by the God of Shadows, it allows the user to teleport one's self away from danger. It also carries the ability to travel between RealSpace, HyperSpace, WarpSpace and BlueSpace as well as many others. Allowing the individual to theoretically visit any dimension


The Monolith Battleplates are heavily influenced by concepts explored in the Elder scrolls series. And the STALKER Series of computer games.