Space Austria

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Space Austria
Blank fig.jpg
Democratic Archduchy
Tek Level 6
300 systems
Rubrum Crucesignatis (Member)
Unified Republik of Poland
Republik of Magyar
M-Throne Empire
The Imperial Magikstrate
Darkstorm Empire
45th Union
Space Nazis
Trattorian Empire
Assyrian Star Empire
Notable People
Ato Hapsbrik, Field Marshall Von Ernst


Brief Overview

Space Austria is a peach-centric Archduchy with a sizable infantry and mechanized force, conceived in late BR 2,015, the Space Austrians became a part of the forum in mid-BR 2,017. They have been involved in several battles, including much of the the Magikalennic War


The Rising Phoenix

No one knows when or why the Deadly Spacemen showed up; they just appeared one day. There had been almost no life in that area beforehand, but that all changed when the Spacemen brought the seed of destruction to these empty worlds.

The spacemen ruled for many eons, but the cracks inevitably began to show through. With the fall of the original spacemen, the now unoccupied and chaotic territory was claimed by "rising" Phoenix Hapsbrik, conqueror of a million worlds, and the first in the infamous Hapsbrik line.

Phoenix disappeared one day, leaving his kingdom to be split among his kin, and eventually forming many countries, among them, the Archduchy of Space Austria. (Many believe that Phoenix still lives, and shall someday return at the "coming of the third siege.")

War and Defeat

The Space Austrians steadily grew in power, claiming much territory (most of which is now in Soviet hands), and formed the Paladin guards, a standing army to defend their lands. They later joined the Holy Briks league, and served dutifully along with the (future) Unified Republik Poland, Hungarians, Holy Romans, and others. Perhaps their most notable victories during this time were their involvements in the war of Austrian Successes, as well as their two victories over the AUTO-man droid Turks, in the sieges of planet Vienna ( in which they were heavily aided by the Polish.)

Following the second siege, Space Austria formed a union with the Hungarians, forming the empire of Space Austria Hungary. The joint empire controlled a vast portion of the galaxy, but these good times were not to last. When Archduke Franz Ferdibrik was shot and killed, the empire declared war on the space-Serbs, leading to war with the future USSSR. And although the Austria-Hungarians experienced initial successes, they were eventually defeated and forced to surrender most of their territory. Unable to maintain a large army, the Space Austrians were nearly ruined, but then, fate played its cruel hand.

The weak Archduke Bob, having no other choice, surrendered all of his resources to the Intergakactik Fascist Alliance (many Bavarian troopers that took part in the AN-TA War were Space Austrians). But worse yet, with tek supplied by the Immortals, thousands of Peaches were rounded up for slaughter.

The Orchard Revolution

With the ending of the war, the Space Austrian Reich was pushed back to the planet of Old Vienna, and its one moon, Orchard.

Orchard was the "holding cell" for around 50 million Austrian Peaches, and all semblance of government fell apart on Old Vienna during the Communi-Fascist insurgence. At its lowest low, radical change began.

Ato Hapsbrik, rightful heir to Space Austria, lived a politically active life on Orchard. His family had been excluded from politics ever since they had bred with peach minifigures, but Ato's claim to the throne was still far more significant than anyone else's. Ato began going from town to town, preaching revolt, and the creation of a new, and fair state. Ato was aided by a resentful Assyrian Peach named Von Ernst, who aided him in organizing the Burghers, an all-peach official military force.

When guards cane from Old Vienna on transport ships, the burghers seized them. Ship after ship was sent to arrest the insurgents, only to be captured. One day, the Burghers attacked Old Vienna with all of the captured transports they had. The planet put up little resistance, and Ato ascended to the throne.

Return of the Hapsbriks

Ato set right to work reforming the government. He returned the Reich to its Archduchial state, and imposed a parliamentary system, supported by a loyal populace and a powerful intergalactik army. Ato then began to reclaim the land he once lost. He took a wife (who is probably a much better leader than he is) and began invading system after system, returning the Empire back to a healthy 3,000 or so worlds spread around about 300 systems. Once he was sure that he had enough power to make himself visible, Ato requested an alliance with the RC, which was highly successful.

In more recent events, the space Austrians fought several battles over an ancient superweapon, and attempted to destroy the galaxy's financial heart. Though the attempt was thwarted, the Space Austrians showed that they meant business. (The possibility of war between the SA and the Trattorians is still high, but lack of available forces on both sides may lead to the conflict quieting.)

Following this, the Space Austrians pursued friendship with the Darkstorm Empire, which gives them the opportunity to improve trade, as well as study the dark forces and their power.

The Space Austrians have been involved in several other conflicts, and continue their dominance as a powerful empire, and a force to be reckoned with.



Space Austria is the green territory with a red border.


Construction Site Skirmish!

Forum Thread

Invasion of Shadow Prime, Game 2

Forum Thread


Forum Thread


Forum Thread

This battle was a Great Victory for the Space Austrians, as they managed to place a solid attack against interior planets.

A Magikalennik Encounter

Forum Thread

Close Quarters

Forum Thread

Operation Schadenfreude

Forum Thread

Base Contact

Forum Thread

THE LAST EAGLE, Siege of Vienna III

Forum Thread

Noteable Units

(Pics coming later)

1st division 1st 3rd and 8th platoons:

Fought in the campaign to claim the rocket, they suffered heavy casualties, but were ultimately victorious.

1st tank corps armored detachment:

Also faught in the afformentioned campaign

315th auxiliary platoon-scouts, and 7th naval corps, including the 1st marine guards squad:

The units responsible for 1st contact with the DRK. They faught in the battle of close quarters

1st division 3rd guards core:

Faught along side The Earl of Boron in the battle of base contact

1st Viennese infantry platoon:

Defender the walls of Vienna III and the Hapsbrik Eagle

12th Auxilary battalion, 1st detachment-blueshirts:

Rigged up battery canisters full of the Peach Virus to a doomed generator, during Operation Schadenfreude in the hopes of spreading the infection.

1st Knight Guards- Sons if Mars:


Ato's personal bodyguard, led by the fearsome warriors Phobos and Demos

1st "Ritter" Shock Korps


Space Austria's Finest Shock Troops, also known to defend Ato, serving as his personal military escort.